*** General ***
owner = apache
contact = bbs@linuxtone.org
mailhost = localhost
sendmail = /usr/local/bin/sendmail
# NOTE: do not put the Image Cache below cgi-bin
# since all files under cgi-bin will be executed ... this is not
# good for images.
imgcache = /usr/local/smokeping/cache
imgurl = ../cache 不要用绝对路径
datadir = /usr/local/smokeping/var
piddir = /usr/local/smokeping/var
cgiurl = http://some.url/smokeping.cgi
smokemail = /usr/local/smokeping/etc/smokemail.dist
tmail = /usr/local/smokeping/etc/tmail.dist
# specify this to get syslog logging
syslogfacility = local0
# each probe is now run in its own process
# disable this to revert to the old behaviour
# concurrentprobes = no
*** Alerts ***
#to = |/usr/local/smokeping/fx.sh
to = bbs@linuxtone.org
from = abc@xy.com
type = loss
# in percent
pattern = >0%,*12*,>0%,*12*,>0%
comment = loss 3 times in a row
type = rtt
pattern = ==S,>50,>50
comment = route
(如果连续出现两次50ms 以上的延时,就进行alter)
*** Database ***
(每300秒ping 20次)
step = 300
pings = 20
# consfn mrhb steps total
AVERAGE 0.5 1 1008
AVERAGE 0.5 12 4320
MIN 0.5 12 4320
MAX 0.5 12 4320
AVERAGE 0.5 144 720
MAX 0.5 144 720
MIN 0.5 144 720
*** Presentation ***
template = /usr/local/smokeping/etc/basepage.html.dist (定义页面模板)
+ charts
menu = Charts
title = The most interesting destinations
++ stddev
sorter = StdDev(entries=>4)
title = Top Standard Deviation
menu = Std Deviation
format = Standard Deviation %f
++ max
sorter = Max(entries=>5)
title = Top Max Roundtrip Time
menu = by Max
format = Max Roundtrip Time %f seconds
++ loss
sorter = Loss(entries=>5)
title = Top Packet Loss
menu = Loss
format = Packets Lost %f
++ median
sorter = Median(entries=>5)
title = Top Median Roundtrip Time
menu = by Median
format = Median RTT %f seconds
+ overview 定义流量图大小
width = 600
height = 50
range = 10h
+ detail
width = 600
height = 200
unison_tolerance = 2
"Last 3 Hours" 3h
"Last 30 Hours" 30h
"Last 10 Days" 10d
"Last 400 Days" 400d
#+ hierarchies
#++ owner
#title = Host Owner
#++ location
#title = Location
*** Probes ***
+ FPing
binary = /usr/sbin/fping PING使用的工具
#*** Slaves ***
*** Targets ***
probe = FPing
menu = Top
title = Network Latency Grapher
remark = Welcome to the SmokePing website of xxx Company. \
Here you will learn all about the latency of our network.
+ Test 定义一级目录
menu= test
tile = test
#parents = owner:/Test/James location:/
++ host1 添加主机
title = host1
alerts = someloss,rttbad
host =
+ nagios
menu = nagios
++ nagios
title = nagios
alerts = someloss
host =